Happy Women’s Day πŸ’ͺ

A woman is expected to excel at everything. The pressure on women isΒ not just external but comes so much from within too. I am so sick and tired of hearing..

Be a quiet girl.

Be an elegant woman.

Be a fun girlfriend.

Be a perfect wife.

Be a caring daughter.

Be a responsible mother.

Be a fabulous homemaker

Be an exquisite chef.

Be a total bad-ass at work.

This women’s day and every other day let’s…

Be real.

Dance. Shout.

Scream. Fall.

Be messy. Eat like a pig.

Look totally not put together.

Stand up for what matters to you.

Show your vulnerable self.

Speak up when needed.

Do a kick-ass job of being you.

Don’t be afraid to look weird.

IMPERFECTION is magical and so are you!

Today’s post is an ode to the real women aka all the women in the world who aren’t afraid to be themselves unapologetically! Recently I have been thinking and getting a little frustrated with the fact that all I ever see online are picture perfect images. Β I know I know there are tonnes of bigger issues to be concerned about but I strongly believe that having a healthy and realistic body image is a huge contributor to stronger women. So here are some pics that represent my absolute real and raw self that I am so proud to share with you all. I am not ashamed of looking funny or ugly or fat. Neither should you be ❀️

Β White hair, wrinkles, droopy eyes.. Mmmm I may or may not be as young as I claim to be.


I always wanted dimpled cheeks. I have dimpled thighs. The universe works in mysterious ways!


Not pregnant! I just like eating pizza, chocolates and all the bad good stuff.Β 


Yo girl, you are sexy, strong and totally awesome! Ok I look more like someone who is leering at you. πŸ™ˆ


When are the auditions for the next Exorcist movie?


Is she acting busy or is she constipated?Β 


My gangsta yo look.


Hahahah you look more like this M..Β 


I take getting up close and personal too seriously! Yeah, my eyeliner game is still not strong and I do my eyebrows only once a year..


Ok I am definitely the next lead in the Exorcist movie. No auditions needed.


Want some honey? Let me ask the bees living in my hair!


Are you telling me I have a double chin and a pregnant arm? Noo, liar!


OOOO I do have both!!


None of us always look the way we portray on social media. If you ever feel low and start comparing yourself to the awesome images you see online, just come here and look at my awesome images. I am 100% sure you’ll leave feeling happier! *I mean cultivating bees in your hair is next level!* As I always say, don’t be afraid to look weird and not-so-pretty. You were not born to only look beautiful and pleasing to the eyes. You have so so much more to offer girl!!

I wish all the women out there a very very very Happy Women’s Day! You are magical in your imperfections. ❀️ Thank you so much for stopping by.. See you all soon. Ciao. – Love, M ❀️

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  1. You nailed it babe. You’re so genuine and beautiful inside and out ❀. I think we all have such crazy, not so perfect pictures in our cameras but nobody has the guts to post it so openly. But look at you M, you are a true rockstar πŸ™ˆπŸ˜Ž. Whenever I assume “this is your best post” you somehow manage to come up with even a better one 😍😍

  2. You are totally eccentric babes with such positive vibes… In today’s world when people are so vulnerable to the outside world, you have all the courage to overcome everything and inspire us all. Much love gorgeous. Keep rocking just the way you always doπŸ’‹πŸ’‹

  3. Hey girl, you take awesomeness to another level. Beautiful post, an article to be printed out and pinned on my inspiration wall. You are one brave soul, how I wish I could be as brave as you are. Online pictures and media are pushing the limits to look beautiful, Instagram is all about appearing beautiful and perfect, which is making people even more insecure about themselves as well as these online pictures are feeding to the narcissism. In this game of appearing perfect, we cover up so-called imperfections and the need to carry on with this game never ends. Then you read articles like this and see how comfortable one can be with themselves is pure bliss. Keep rocking Mon, I am so glad that in this crazy online world, where things and people can be a tad bit fake, I met you who is as genuine as it can get.
    Lots of love.

  4. Loved it! Yes, I agree we all cannot be perfect all the time. That is the reason I also post bloopers. Bloggers do not have a perfect lifestyle. You go girl! And please you look beautiful even without make up. I see your IG videos so I know it. xoxo

  5. Yes, no-one wants to look less than a celeb! Normal phone camera to DSLRs, Normal images to the edited version, Smile to pout. Kids being influenced by it as much as the adults. It is scary, but I am glad your post is your little attempt at encouraging to be real. Hope the post reaches far and wide

    Lots of Love