Big changes start with small steps… and this applies so aptly to the topic of body positivity.
Is the not skinny enough excuse stopping you?
I’ll be happier when I am skinny. I’ll buy that piece of clothing when I have lost 10 pounds.
Happy Women’s Day 💪
A woman is expected to excel at everything. The pressure on women is not just external but comes so much from within too. I am so sick and tired of hearing..
Self-love 103 : Be your own valentine
Happy Valentine’s day my gorgeous readers ❤️ and welcome back to another post in the #crazystupidselflove series!
Cellulite .. wait you don’t have it?
Cellulite – the dreaded word. Almost as bad as saying the ‘F’ word in front of a child.. 🙈
Effortless style requires effort – OOTD
Do you belong to the 5%-10% of the population who always look effortlessly stylish? Think of all the supermodels, top actresses, maybe even a few friends.. If not, welcome to the sisterhood of looking-effortless-requires-alot-of-work.