2017 was the year of my obsession with everything pink. I bought 3 bags, a pair of shoes , a pair of earrings and a coat in different shades of pink to declare my undying love for it.
Self-Love 102 – Don’t hide your magic sunshine
Welcome back to another post in the self-love series dedicated to the month of love. ❤️
Self-Love 101: Be Gentle and do what you love
Hi, I am Monika. I repeat clothes and rarely post on schedule. There. I said it. 🙈 Oh also, I am total badass supporter of self-love.
Winter Layering Contd. with a Cape
It’s raining cats and dogs in California and I absolutely LOVE LOVE this weather, mainly because it rarely rains here..
Blogging for a year..And still not famous..😐
Blogging journey started for me almost a year back wearing the exact same sweater.
Period is not a big deal. Period.
Period a.k.a menstruation should scare you and make you uncomfortable. Yes yes it should!